Primary & Urgent Care Kensington
4142 Adams Ave
San Diego,
In-Office: Weekdays 8am-6pm, Weekends: 8am-4:30pm
Video Visits: try PocketDoc, available Weekdays 6:30am-10pm, Weekends 7am-10pm
Same or next day appointments
Lengthy appointment times
High patient satisfaction scores
In-Network with most insurance
About Primary & Urgent Care in Kensington
Our primary and urgent care center in Kensington is located at 4142 Adams Ave #102, just off of the 15 freeway. Our office has 5 exam rooms and is located in the heart of the Kensington neighborhood in San Diego.
Perlman Clinic has been practicing patient-centered, high quality primary and urgent care in San Diego since 2005. Core to our mission is becoming a patient’s medical home. We want patients to rediscover the comfort of what was once a visit to the doctor’s office. Visit Perlman Clinic if you need primary or urgent care in Kensington.
We offer same-or-next day appointments and our providers typically see fewer patients each day than the industry average, giving them more time to invest in and develop long-term relationships.
So if you work or live in Kensington, Mission Valley, Normal Heights, or College West, we would love to become your medical home. We’re grateful to provide patients in the area with the quality & compassionate medical care that they’ve come to expect from Perlman Clinic.
Note that we are in-network with most insurances and for those of you without insurance, our cash pay rates are competitive.
General Health Issues
Minor Injuries
Preventive Medicine And Wellness
Annual Physical Exams And Routine Checkups
Referrals To Specialists
Fever, Cold, or Flu
Minor Allergic Reactions
Asthma Attacks
Ear Or Sinus Pain
Sore Throat
Cuts And Scrapes
Minor Head Injuries Without Loss Of Consciousness
Perlman Clinic’s Kensington location is conveniently located near the 15 freeway and just south of the 8 freeway, at 4142 Adams Ave between Marlborough drive & Edgeware road.
We offer free parking to patients behind the clinic building, as well as ample street parking in the area.
Patient Testimonials
San Diego CA 92116
United States
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